So I decided to go out of my comfort zone and try using this blog. We all know that this is a huge step for me so hang in there. Well as most of you know Ben and I close on our house in 6 days!!!!!! We can hardly wait!!!! Fortunately this weekend Kelly came up, the helpful and giving sister that she is (your are welcome kelly!!) and helped Ben and I pack. I am very proud to say that a lot of stuff got packed today!!! All of you who have ever helped me move or pack knows that I am no good at it and never prepared. This time I will be!!!!! However, I went to grab the digital camera to post pictures and found that it had gotten packed!! I suppose that Kelly was too good at packing today!!! I finally found some online and will share them with you as long as you do not laugh at the wallpaper borders.....I could only find four, sorry!!!!
Mom, I changed the settings so you could comment "anonymously" now.
Kori, I am SO proud of you!! Completely impressed!! I wish I would have saved the pictures of your house that you sent me so I could post them for you but I'm pretty sure I didn't! Sorry! But, good job on the post! Next we'll have to see if Karen will ever get one on here!! HA!
Loved the pictures of your house,
Kori, especially the one of the
bathtub!!!Reminds me of the story
your Mom told me of helping you
and Ben move and what she did to
help..ask her about it.
You might also ask her about her
experience making the ham balls
for a pot-luck at school. Kori,I
think you'll be able to relate to
that one!!!Love, all of you,
Grandma B.
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