Monday, December 31, 2007


Okay, the girls and their significant others gave me a digital camera for ThanksChristmas, I think in the hopes that I will contribute pictures to their blog! I'm not real sure this was their plan, but when they gave me a camera dock and have since asked me why I haven't posted any pictures, I'm thinking that was the whole purpose of the digital camera! I now have about a hundred pictures on my camera (most aren't real good) and I don't know how many pictures I have that Kori and Kendall took of themselves!! I watch my grandkids and even Jacob, at 11 months, knows to go look at the camera after the flash has gone off to see what he looks like!! Amazing!! I'll do my best to not bore you with not-so-good pictures and to space them out so you'll not be wishing those girls didn't give me that camera!

Yay!!!! I did it but I won't tell you how long it takes to get a picture posted from my dial-up computer!!!

Friday, December 28, 2007

Here and There

Thought I would post some pictures from what all is going on up here these days. Mom and Mark came over to my apartment Thursday night and helped me hang up some decorations, and changed a lightbulb for me that I could not get off. So now my apartment is all beautiful and bright for other guests to see it, like Kori and Ben who got up here today!! YAY!!! They made it to Kim's right before we were heading off to Bemidji so Kori came with us and away we went. Jacob didn't do his normal screaming bit in the car, probably because Kori and I were back there entertaining him and he loved that! But, really, he was good entertainment for us too! Three hours laters we're back at home and I am ready for a nap, but I made the mistake of giving Ben my apartment key so he could unload the truck and now he is out hunting with the key nowhere in sight at Kim and Scott's. When will I learn?? Anyhoo...hope you enjoy the pictures!!

Love ya!


Sunday, December 23, 2007

My New Digital Camera!!

I finally got a digital camera!! I had received two Target gift cards and decided I was going to purchase a camera for myself. The decision was VERY stressful being that I always get stressed out when making big purchases and also I kept thinking about how many clothes I could buy with the two gift cards. I kept telling Kim that maybe I would just buy clothes, but she told me I had enough. Then I told her that I needed new clothes so maybe I could get a date, and she said that that would not help, you get a date by your personality. And I then mentioned to her that I did not have personality so that's why I needed clothes! Needless to say, I got the camera!! So, I guess I can say at least I have some "personality" which Kim is sure will get me a date, which means I now get to blame her for no dates!

Anyway, just thought I'd post some pictures I took with my camera! YAY!!

My Little Charlie Brown

I'm going to try this again..last time it took me like two hours to get this post done and then when it was all said and done the darn thing STILL wouldn't work! I was frustrated and tired so I left and went home. So anyway, here is my little tree all dressed up and cute!! The first picture is of my tree at the "spa" aka my bathtub because it needed to defrost. It had been outside at Kim and Scott's for about two weeks in the snow so we needed to melt some of that off! Oh, and what would Christmas be without my kitty sleeping under the tree. She thinks she's the perfect gift for me, I beg to differ. And the snowman on top of the tree is actually a candle holder, but I didn't have anything else to put on top of it so the little guy made it's home on top my tree!!

Anyhoo, have a Merry Christmas everybody! Love you and miss you all!!


Saturday, December 15, 2007

These are a few of my favorite things!!

Fred and Ben taking an afternoon nap together!

My first new appliance ever!!! I am in love!!

My favorite thing about the fridge is the soda can holder!

I can actually see everything in my freezer!

And my Percy the Puny Pointsettia! Remember the record Grandma Rankin had? It had the song about the lonely plant that nobody bought!

I would also like to say that other people need to blog some pictures!
It has been a whole month since anyone blogged on this site so Kendall,
Karen and Mom, step up to the plate!!!!! Merry Christmas!