Monday, October 15, 2007
The Machlitt's are Ready for Fall!!!
As most of you know Fall is my favorite season!!! I love the colors and pumpkins. For the past few weeks Ben and I have been getting things ready for the season. For Ben this means killing the garden off, cutting down and covering the asparugas, and weeding and covering the raspberries!! For me it means buyiny mums, pumpkins and gords and displaying them on the porch!!!!! However, this year I did put a little muscle into getting ready! The weekend that Mom was up we weeded my entire flowerbed. For those of you who have seen it you can agree that this was not an easy task. We had to wet down the bed twice before we could pull anything up!! The fun part was going and buying bulbs to plant!!! I do not remember what all we got but I can not wait to see them all come up in the spring!! Mom also bought me a huge mum and two plants for my birthday!!! They look great and I hope they come up again in the spring!! 

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I can't believe how much that big mum has bloomed!!! It was just buds when I was up there! You might have to get another one closer to Thanks-Christmas. I think your deck looks really great!! (Grandma showed me some of her flowers Saturday, and she's got some icicle pansies blooming!!!)
Kori it looks great. I really can't wait to come visit. We will have to pick a weekend soon as weekends are starting to book up.
Love you,
Aunt Gail
I thought about stopping and getting some but changed my mind! I do not want to get in over my head! I will just try to keep the ones I have alive! I probably will get some more before Thanks-Christmas so my deck will look nice for all of you!
Gail - just let me know, as of right now Dad and Ray are coming up the first weekend of Nov. and Kelly and Nick are supposedly planning to come this month but who knows!!!!!
I loved the beautiful aster in the last picture--If you get it in the ground before too long and keep it watered, it SHOULD come back next spring. Asters are very hardy,
I had a friend at Middletown gave me a start about this time of year, I left it in the garage over the winter and planted it in the spring even though it looked dead!!! I was sure surprized when it took off like crazy. Asters come in two shades of purple and white. Remember to pinch it back or
it will get VERY leggy in the spring and continue periodically or
it will FLOP all over the way mine has!!!
By the way, I need a list for you, Kendall, Kelly and Nick. Ben has been taken care of . Didn't you love the list for Jacob that Kim
did not send??!!
Kori, wonderful posts! I too LOVE fall! However, it has been raining almost nonstop up here and I haven't been able to get into my pumpkin patch to harvest the pumpkins and gords! I can't wait! Your flower bed looks so put-together and I'm completely jealous! I've been working on mine for two years now and still haven't accomplished what you and mom did in a weekend! That's the key! Get mom to come up for a weekend and weed my beds...or at least help me anyway!!
korky..everything looks so nice..i'm so proud of you!! and you too i spose ben..and if i had some catty remark for ben i would make it but i don't..but you wait benjamin just wait....when you least expect it...
BAIM the name is BAIM
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