And doesn't it look nice?!?!? They also painted their little nook (where Grandma Rankin had her washer and dryer) red to match the rest of the kitchen.

And Mark grouted our bathroom floor Saturday afternoon!!! We thought the floor looked so much better with the tile on it, but it really does look better finished with grout!!! (Are we just rednecks, or what?) Thank you, Kelly and Nick, for the leftover tile from your previous house and for laying the tile, and thanks to all our son-in-laws for doing the prep work (we won't say when it was laid but it was awhile back!!). Now to decide on the wall treatment -- paint or wallpaper?!?!?

Ruthie I say paint. Wallpaper just peels! Both floors look awesome!!
OHHH it all looks so nice!! The flooring at the James' looks AWESOME..however, the leg with the tapered jeans does not look so good!
and Mom, the bathroom looks GREAT!! I think you should paint it the color green in Kori's house...I can't wait to see it!!
Loves ya!!
Whatever you choose,Ruth,don't forget to prime the walls first!!!
Remember we didn't prime any of the walls in my house and now the half-bath really is peeling bigtime!I'm beginning to believe in
primer for every wall!!The floors at Chris'and Karen's are really be-autiful. I think Chris needs a round of applause! Good job,Chris!!
Those brother in-laws that helped with the tile would like to be thanked by name, because as we all know all of the brother in-laws were in town however not all of them helped.
Remember that all brother in-laws are united as one through H.U.R.L.
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