So here are the most recent pictures and yes they do look quite freaky!! Thought I would post them so you all could look at them and make fun of them! Everything seems to being going good so we will just keep going with the flow! I think the best picture is the one with her mouth open! I hope her nose is not really that big!!! Love ya all and hope to see everyone this month sometime! Love - Kori & Ben
Yea!!!!!!! I am SOOOOO happy!! But I can't believe that you lied to me and said your sonogram was to be on Thursday!!!! I think she's waving to us, isn't she? Mom
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I don't think that is her nose, i think it is a shadow, i think her nose is a little further up. if i'm looking at it right.
Love you,
Aunt Gail
I agree TOTALLY with your Mom!!!!
YEA!!!!Tell Ben to brace himself for total adoration from his
daughter--he only THOUGHT he wanted
a son, this little girl will have him walking on water!
On the other hand, wait until she (or he) is born because they just
might be mistaken as to her sex!!!
Congratulations again and love to
all three of you!
Grandma Budke
Somebody else had better start kicking out some boys or who knows what's in store for poor Jacob!!!
We're so excited you two and so anxious to start shopping for the little chicky!!!!
Love ya,
All I can say is Yeah!!!!!!!!
I am jumping up and down!!!!!! and well screaming in excitment!! yeah!!!!!
I want to come and give you hugs and talk to her!!!
We are so Excited, me just a little!!! he! he!
I wnat to come visit, think Nick would notice? Talk with you soon!!
Kori--I am so happy for you guys!!! Your sweet little girl will be here before you know it:) Congratulations! Christy Hibbs
YAY!!! I already talked to you but this is the first I've seen the pics....so YAY!!! I'm soooo excited!!! Love you and can't wait to see ya in a couple weeks!! Love you too Benny Boo Boo... :P
Kendall :)
Congratulations Kori and Ben!!!! I'm so excited for you guys!!! :)
My new nephew is due the same time as your little girl! Hooray for new babies!!!! :)
Hope you're feeling well!!!
Did I read that right? Kori???? CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! She's beautiful! So happy for you both and can't wait to meet her when are you due?
(email me sometime alissa-preuss@hotmail.com)
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