Turner (his name was Tyler but I decided to switch it) is a purebred but doesn't fit the requirments for a miniature so the breeder gave him to a gal who was interested in him. Well, the gal had him for a few months and decided she had too many dogs and knew I was looking for one so she called me up. I wasn't too excited about getting a dog in the coldest part of the year, but my friend Lexie talked me into just going and looking at him. Big mistake, I was pretty much sold when I saw him. We went and looked at him on Friday and after going back and forth a million times (I'm not exaggerating one bit, I went back and forth that many times) we picked him up on Monday. Now, Monday night was horrible. I didn't get to sleep until four in the morning and by Tuesday afternoon I was having a meltdown. I called my friend Lexie and first she told me to breath and then just told me to try it for a few more days and see how it goes (Kim said to give it a week and go from there.) Well, it's been a week now and Turner is truly an awesome dog. For coming straight from a farm to an apartment, he has been excellent. He has yet to make a mess in my place and really just wants to do whatever I ask of him. Him and Chester are on speaking terms now. Turner is actually quite scared of her and honestly I think Chester enjoys that power. I am excited to start teaching him some commands and tricks. He knows "sit" but that's pretty much it so the basics are what I'm going to work on next. I'm a little nervous because I've never done this before but it should be okay! Anyway..enjoy the pictures!