Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sneff gets married!!!


Love the "cupcake" dress!!!

Darrel and Karen
Amy and Teresa in the Pretty Blues

LOVE Daniel's Classic Cheesy Smile :)
I didn't know where to pin the flowers?!!?!

Waiting to come up the steps!!

Darrel waiting for Sneff to come up!!

Love this picture!

Dakota was relieved to have somebody he knew holding him!

Kori got to meet Mrs. Manikowski in the bar!

Mule. Nag.

In case you didn't know, Kori and Ben.  They also called it in early.
I'm still upset.
 Super cute! 

Janet and Kris cut a rug on the dance floor!
(I think that's the saying?)

Kim and Nick doing something they love most...dancing. 
Kim more than Nick I think.


Alissa said...

I'm still upset that Kori and Ben wimped out too! :(

Rankin Family said...

Love the pictures!! was a fun day, we should just have a rankin reunion once a year with a Dance!!

Anonymous said...

Nice pics from the wedding. Looks like it was fun. Glad to see a post.

Network Ace said...

nice blog...keep it up