July and August brought a lot of visitors from down South. It was so nice being able to spend time with each sister and their family! When we go down to Illinos it can be a bit overwhelming because EVERYBODY is at one place and sometimes I don't get to spend enough time with each person.
The weekend of July 4th our first guest arrived: Gail came up to spend the weekend with us. I'm sorry I don't have any pictures of this, but I don't think there would have been any fun ones. We spent most of the day sitting out on Kim's deck. At night, we pretty much did the same thing. There were many games of Speed played and a lot of talking..aka...gossipping going on. Thanks for coming up Gail!
Mom, Kelly, and Colby were the next to arrive late July. They were up for a long weekend and we pretty much sat around and relaxed which was quite nice.
Then in the beginning of August the James crew "surprised" us up here. Being that I was so shocked that they were up here, I completely forgot to take pictures! Sorry! I had a blast hanging out with all of them and playing with the girls! Also, my Dad and Raylene were up at that time so they were in Clearbrook hanging out a couple nights.
The last and final group actually came in late August. Kori, Ben, and Amelia showed up very early on a Sunday morning and stayed for a week. I am sometimes overwhelmed by them staying in at my apartment (usually everybody stays out at Kim's), but I love every minute of it. I loved getting the few minutes every morning playing with Millie before I went to work.
Thank you to everybody (including all of my friends) who made the trip up here to visit!